Making Choices to Build a Happy Lifestyle

Every single one of us carries some level of stress around with us each day. It comes from different places, but it’s there, lingering in the background. For moms in particular, these sources of stress can start to build up on each other and make it difficult to prioritize your needs. This might look like not getting enough sleep, lacking the proper nutrition your body needs, and skipping out on moving your body. With so many things going on at the same time, it can be easy for moms to put their own wellness on the back burner. But here's the thing: the choices you make every day can profoundly impact your overall wellbeing. Making good choices can help to build a happy lifestyle over time. 

First, let's talk about nutrition. Busy days can leave us opting for take out or finishing the leftovers from your kid’s lunch plate. However, not being intentional about your nutrition can cause you to feel less than your best. Opting for nourishing, whole foods not only fuels your body but also sets a positive example for your kids. By prioritizing balanced meals, you will have the energy you need to get through your days and feel great from the inside out. 

The next thing to prioritize is movement. Moving your body each day is an important part of daily wellness that should not be overlooked. This doesn’t mean you have to become a marathon runner or go out and get a membership to an expensive gym. Walking, body weight training, and yoga are all simple things you can do at home. The key is to find something that makes you feel good, not that causes you more stress. Not only does exercise boost your mood and energy levels, but it's also a fantastic form of self-care that honors your physical health.

Of course, we can't forget about the importance of rest and relaxation. Remember: it's okay (and necessary!) to hit the pause button every now and then. Carving out moments for self-care and rest doesn't make you selfish. Being able to relax and do nothing is a skill we have lost over time. The endless feelings of needing to work or do something productive in our spare time can spiral out of control. Take the time to lay in bed, stretch out on the couch, or soak up the sun outside and just breathe in the moment.

Beyond the basics of nutrition, movement, and rest, self-care also encompasses the choices we make to nourish our minds and spirits. From setting boundaries with technology to prioritizing meaningful connections with loved ones, these small yet intentional decisions contribute to our overall wellness as moms. This might also look like working on a hobby you enjoy, seeking out relationships with friends outside of your home, treating yourself to a movie date, or creating a space in your home that’s just for you. No matter what it is, prioritizing self-care is an important part of your daily wellness routine. 

By making these healthy, positive choices throughout your days you’ll be able to build a lifestyle you can find joy in. For more information about wellness and how to work it into your busy life, check out our workbook: A Mom’s Guide to Wellness


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