Thriving Over Spring Break

Spring break is here and it's time to ditch the winter blues and embrace the vibrant energy of the season. Whether you're planning a family getaway or enjoying a staycation, there are plenty of ways for moms to make the most of this rejuvenating break. After all, you likely did most of the planning for this week so it’s important that you get to enjoy it too! 

Get Outside

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Hey, come out and play!" Take advantage of milder temperatures and blooming landscapes by spending time in the great outdoors. Or, if you live in the Midwest where the weather can be fickle at best, bundle up and head outside anyways!) Check out a local park or make a drive to a scenic hiking spot. We all know getting to be by the water is a great way to relax, even if you’re wearing a coat while doing it!

Quality Time

Spring break is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your family and create lasting memories together. Plan fun activities like a family game night, a movie marathon, or a DIY arts and crafts session. These moments of togetherness not only strengthen bonds but also provide much-needed relaxation and joy. You can even expand this to friends you don’t get to see very often. Take advantage of a relaxed schedule and make some extra plans.

Prioritize Self Care

Self-care is always a priority, even during spring break. Take some time to make sure you are filling your own cup, regardless of where you’re spending spring break. Even though you might be playing the role of itinerary master, be sure to schedule in time for yourself. You’ll certainly enjoy your time more! 

Find an Adventure

Spring break is the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Whether it's exploring a nearby town you've never visited, trying out a new activity, or embarking on a mini road trip, embrace the spirit of adventure and let curiosity be your guide. 

Rest and Relaxation

This is a time to recharge your batteries and replenish your energy reserves. So, don't be afraid to schedule some downtime for yourself and your family. It can be tempting to use every free moment to see and do it all, but everyone will appreciate the moments of quiet to do something they find relaxing. There’s nothing worse than coming back from a break feeling more tired than when you left!

No matter what you and your family are up to, we hope you have a fun and relaxing spring break! 


Making Choices to Build a Happy Lifestyle


Spring is Finally Here!